Thursday, April 24, 2008

Smart is to sexy as un-smart is to un-sexy?????

Originally written: 06/14/07

I remember when I was in grade school. There was this girl, her name was Martine. She was a quiet, and shy type of girl. She rarely spoke (around me), but when she did, every word had correct answers, and made more sense than an eighth grade student should. She wasn't the kind of silent person that has a "stay back" personality. I remember her as being a very warm, and inviting person. Martine was a straight "A" student, I don't even remember hearing of her getting less than an "A+". Back then before the growth process of puberty I had a very juvenile idea about girls..........(I guess because I was in fact a juvenile). But for some reason I figured that a person so smart, beautiful ( I forgot to mention how beautiful she was), and for lack of a better word "perfect" would not want to hang with a reject like me. The guy who was barely making it in class a Peon if you will. Martine was (at the time) a tall, brown skin, short haired slice of pie, with the body to match. And most of all her personality was superb...... she didn't use big words to make you feel dumb, or laugh when you did bad on a test. Looking back, I think I admired her at that age. How a person can be beautiful both inside, and out. Today I actually find the very same characteristics in a woman very sexy. I guess I could not do to much about it in the past........being a peon, and all. But today I find it very comforting when a girl is intelligent, quiet, and an all around good person on the inside. Well maybe quiet isn't the right word...... But when a girl knows how to listen to others, then able to offer an intelligent sensible solution to your problem is a turn on. I'm not saying that she has to be a rocket scientist, and spew Jeopardy facts from each orifice. But I just want to make it clear that having well thought out conclusions, and not being an "A" hole weighs very heavily in my book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"a tall, brown skin, short haired slice of pie, with the body to match." i love that line. too cool.

shy people rock.