Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Time is of no importance.......only Life!

Originally written: 4/30/07

That is a quote, I heard this past weekend while I was watching one of my favorite movies "Fifth Element". I didn't really pay to much attention to it previously because these words were spoken by an oddly shape golden alien. But this time around it got me thinking.........Everyone seems to be in a rush to use their time wisely: "40's the new 20", "time is on my side", "You made a time machine, out of a DeLorian?". There seems to be a mass attempt made by our culture to preserve youth. Everyone wants to be young forever.......or how did the song put it "forever young"? But I have a new theory for you stick in your pipe, and smoke! What these people are really trying to do is cling to life. If you think about it, Life is a million times more valuable than time. Every year some news report comes up with these figures of: "how much time people waist sitting at stop lights", and "how much time we waist commuting to, and from work". Our time might seem like its being waisted away when we are doing a boring, dull, or painful activity. But it is really Life, that is being waisted. A good example of this is the 40 year old male that goes through the "mid-life crisis". It takes the average person forty years to realize how important life is. So the person tries to recapture lost life by buying expensive toy's, and spending money. But then sooner or later it sets in........there is no fountain of youth, and one can not make up for lost life.Think about it. When someone invites you to an event, or you plan to attend a party. But then you do not go, for whatever reason. You have no idea what you missed: maybe a good experience, maybe a lame party. But the point is that once that opportunity is gone, it will never comeback. No matter how many parties, or events you go to afterwards. So, to make sense out of this last analogy. Life is whats being waisted, which can be broken down as being: the opportunity to gain experience. whether it'd be good, bad, or ugly. Time......which is what most people try to replenish, and recreate is not nearly as precious. I remember learning that a goldfish's memory only lasts about 2 minutes at a time. So in that length of time, the fish could have been hungry, then it will feel like, all its life it starved. Then the next couple minutes could have been pleasurable, so the fish thinks that all its life its been happy. Or like-wise if its master has been gone, it feels like all its life its been lonely. This is a good example of enjoying life, and not worrying about time. Yes, the fish is happy for only 2 minutes, but while it can enjoy it.....Life is good.

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